Monday, December 22, 2008

NYC Public School Shandle

Somewhere in the East Village a public school is supporting the Shandle's smart design, excellent function and antimicrobial protection.

While toilet seat handles should be the norm in every public school bathroom around in America, they aren't. Yet.

It is a holiday treat to receive this image from Shandle Nation!

If you're a student or parent with an exceptional teacher in the New York City Public Schools visit Thank A Teacher to show your appreciation.

It will be a nice holiday treat for them as well.


  1. This time next year or the year after that Shandles will be ubiquitous. There will be "stop peeing on the public toilet seat Shandle" blogs and a movement will begin to respect the Shandles, which we will all use and love. People will unite for this common cause and find that really, deep down as well as near the surface, our suffering is all similar and the human race will finally unite and embrace. All wars will end and people will coexist harmoniously yet in a real-world arena where we can discuss our differences in a civil manner and come to logical, peaceful agreements about how to best use our planet for centuries to come.

    I'd like to be one of the first to personally thank the Shandle and it's makers for this new world order of decency, respect and prosperity.

  2. Wow. Interesting blog. I like it.
