Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Shandle Now Part of Urban Dictionary

It's a great day!

The Shandle has officially been listed on Urban Dictionary, This will forever to solidify our favorite toilet seat handle's place in the universe of obscure and hilarious words.

Visit the link and give us a thumbs up so that we can replace the competing definition of Shandle:
"An unfashionable wearer of both socks AND sandles at the same time can be defined as being a shandle. "

Obviously our toilet seat handle deserves the elite #1 spot!

As the momentum continues to build and we work to market our new product...we find ourselves pleasantly surprised at how the universe just clicks sometimes. Here is to a wonderful 2009! Now that the Shandle definition has been set, lets go out and get some toilet seat handles into the world!


  1. Go Shandle! I'm "Makin It Rain" with my Shandle all day baby!

  2. Congratulations to your team, and the Shandle for being listed #2 on the elite Urban Dictionary.

    I predict it wont be too long before you take over top slot.
